Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Civil War Digital History Tour at Auburn University

Last Friday saw the first public walking tour for Auburn University's Civil War Digital Tour.

Civil War Walking Tour with portable iPad
Civil War Walking Tour with portable iPad
The site for more information is http://www.cla.auburn.edu/cah/programs/civil-war-digital-tour/.

You will be able to do this tour off any mobile device or from the comfort of you own home, though it is of course more fun to do it on one of our current glorious spring days.

Small Theatre Display at Walking Tour
Small Theatre Display at Walking Tour
The technology used is an easy mix of Google Maps with embedded Youtube videos:  https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=z3B35sk5YVVE.kjPH3nWnF3fI, giving you a clear sense of where to start and what the different stations are. The videos were designed by History graduate students under the guidance of Dr. Ken Noe in the Department of History and with the technical expertise from the Biggio Center.

What kinds of tours could you envision putting together with your students?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Big Top EASL Big Success: #WarEASL

war easl
The last two evenings saw floodlights and lots of students on Cater Lawn, working in the Big Top EASL.  It looked like well over 200 students participated, but I am happy to stand corrected.

Physics, Biology, and Chemistry
Physics, Biology, and Chemistry

Physics, Chemistry, and Biology organized active learning study sessions for students in introductory courses.  Drs. Ameya Kolarkar (Physics), Lynn Mandeltort (Chemistry & Biochemistry), and Scott Bowling (Biological Sciences) gave students in their classes problems, and the students took station at one of the numerous white boards on easels to work through the problems in small groups.

Some TAs roamed among the groups with name tags that said Ask Me, and curious visitors also came by, including the Provost, faculty, and anyone else who wondered what the buzz was about.
Students studying
Students studying
Students studying
Students studying
Donations of popcorn and coffee, and great weather helped make the event a success, so now we want to see how we can turn this kind of event into a regular study session -- taking EASL on the campus road.