I have been exploring some other learning spaces at Auburn University, in particular in the College of Veterinary Medicine and in the College of Human Sciences.
The College of Veterinary Medicine has the interesting challenge that they teach all their students of one year as one cohort, which has led them to build four lecture halls, one for each year, and designing these spaces with an eye towards comfort for the students. In particular, the chairs were chosen by the students as they spend up to eight hours in one of these rooms on any given weekday.
The tiers allow for collaboration because the chairs move. Each table has power and a microphone (1 per 2 students) that are button activated for easy asking of questions during class. The cameras can zoom in on any point in the classroom, Lecture or classroom capture is streamlined, using Panopto, and a couple of lamps in the back are on a timer that changes their color when the time in class is coming to an end.
demonstration classroom |
control panel in lecture hall |
This classroom allows for demonstration in the "arena", with the added functionality that the rows are close enough across from each other, making discussion across the aisles possible.
The control panel for the lecture hall may appear intimidating, but faculty learn quickly which controls apply for their teaching style, keeping the room flexible for all.
The second set of spaces are in Spidle Hall, home of Auburn University's College of Human Sciences. One of their programs is Interior Design, so it of course makes sense to do something special. The college found the time and funds to change a couple of student spaces radically, turning one into a computer lab and the other into a work/digital resource room. In addition to the redesign of those spaces, faculty offices were also redesigned to become examples of different design styles, giving everyone the opportunity to experience how furniture can create different atmospheres.
computer lab floor |
The floor of the computer lab is a faux wood floor -- I am thinking this something to consider for the next round of EASL spaces.
computer lab |
Each computer has its own individual lighting, allowing for more focused lighting to work on projects. The walls and the tables are erasable surfaces, with a milky feel to the table tops to cut down on the glare.
Digital Resource room |
Students have a variety of sitting options in the Digital Resources room, adding to the flexibility of the space and the experience of different design scenarios.
material column |
The walls are covered with magnetized glassboards and sets of tiles and fabric so that students can experience what these materials feel and look like. The space also contains multiple sets of lighting that are configured differently to simulate different light situations.
student working corner |
materials columns with glassboards |
This is one of the faculty offices, designed with a Mediascape table for collaboration.
faculty office with Mediascape |
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