This summer, Auburn University worked on getting nine new active learning spaces online, funded through a Provostial grant, with some of the departments participating able to add funds to make the room design even more dramatic.
Funding from the Provost's office focused on mobile, that is relatively easily movable, technology and furnishings up to about $20,000 per room. Proposals had been evaluated in February to ensure a summer timeline, and once all these rooms were taken off line so that no classes could be taught in them during the summer, departments got busy ordering furnishing by certain deadlines and working with Auburn's Classroom Design group to get the technology installed before August 1. The week before classes started, we organized workshops for faculty scheduled to teach in these redesigned spaces for Fall to give them at least some warning, needed training on the new technology and tips on shifting classroom activities to increased collaboration.
The rooms now contain glass or white boards on multiple walls, with mobile boards in some spaces; sharing technology for students to project their mobile devices to locations in each classroom, and some rooms were able to get a furniture upgrade as well to make the furniture collaborative. In one space, floor color was used to highlight collaborative organization, and one space also added 3D printing for creation of models that then could be displayed for everyone to see.
Spaces include:
Chemistry 156 |
Haley Center 3104 |