This is the time of the semester where I get to hear great stories from folks teaching in the EASL classrooms about how well it all went.
For example, in the CLA Perspectives publication at, on page 5, you see one student commenting on how the EASL classroom experience helped her be more comfortable in boardroom meetings during an internship. These kinds of "soft" skills may not be found in the course syllabus, but are valuable for students who are heading out into the work force.
student presentation in action |
More tangible results of EASL work could be seen in an 18th century literature class where students used the space creatively for original theatre and puppet theatre productions, and quasi museum exhibits. The Communication class focusing on Health Administration and Communication produced a series of student projects, consisting of posters, flyers, brochures, and PSAs.
18th century puppet show |
Student presentation in CMJN |
Student presentation in CMJN |
And the Music in Physics course's final projects were musical instruments out of non-specialized materials that students collaborated on in the SCC EASL classroom and turned into a reality in a lab with the necessary tools.
Here some of these musical instruments:
Organ from scratch |
Harp from scratch |
cigar box electric guitar |