Sustainability in the Classroom
Today, I worked on a survey for students to evaluate the active learning space - I do need to come up with a better name for these kinds of spaces here at Auburn University -- happy to hear suggestions.
For other information -- I heard back from the Interior Designer who worked with me on this project -- she sent me data on sustainability of the furniture and carpet in the room. Here some of that information:
Interface is the company we got the carpet from, and their information on recycled materials and such can be found at
Please also see the links below for environmental info about
the furniture products
Also, because the glassboards last much longer and perform
better than whiteboards, we are saving lots of whiteboards from being
landfilled after end-of-life. The glassboards will last the life of the
building and be able to be moved to any future building—and will still keep on
So, that may not make this room LEED certified (it is, after all, in the building on campus that had the first air conditioning on campus, which, unfortunately translates now into one of the more ineffective systems on campus), but it is good to see that today's companies take these challenges seriously.